Hunt begins for descendants of Scotland's great Australian explorer, John McDouall Stuart #familyhistory #genealogyAs part of my research on Australian Aulds I remembered about the three brothers who immigrated into South Australia and their family connection to the John McDouall Stuart expedition party of
Immigration into South Australia
William Auld, a farmer, and Mary Stevenson had ten children over a seventeen year period of 1793 to 1811 inclusive. All born in Kirkcolm WIG SCT, a farming village on the northern tip of the Rhinns of Galloway peninsula in Dumfries and Galloway. Three of William and Mary's sons emigrated to Australia, they were:
- John Auld (1796-1860) - immigrated 1835. John Auld married Isabella Steele on 20 April 1850 at Holy Trinity Church, Adelaide, SA, AUS.
- Thomas Kilpatrick Auld (1808-?) - immigrated 18 September 1839 onboard the Glenswilly, also found on a passenger list on 1 April 1842 at Port Adelaide, SA, AUS, onboard the Welcome from Greenock via Melbourne. Thomas Kilpatrick Auld married Marion Hutchison on 19 June 1843 at Prospect Village, SA, AUS.
- Patrick Auld (1811-1886) - Patrick Auld married Eliza McKinnell circa 1835 at Stranraer, WIG, SCT. Patrick and Eliza emmigrated from London with their three children Agnes Auld, Georgiana Auld and William Patrick Auld, departing 9 December 1841 onboard the Fortitude, arriving on 6 April 1842 to Port Adelaide, SA, AUS.
William Patrick Auld
The son of Scottish parents Patrick Auld and Eliza McKinnell, William Patrick Auld was born 1840 in Ashton under Lyne, LAN, ENG. He migrated to Australia with his parents and two siblings at the age of one. A well known and famous South Australian vigneron and wine merchant, William's other claim to fame is that he participated in John McDouall Stuart's sixth expedition which successfully crossed Australia from south to north. William, as a surveyor, was also part of the Boyle Travers Finniss expedition that explored the Adelaide River region in the Northern Territory looking for suitable land for a capital in 1864.
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William Patrick Auld ca.1880 Source: State Library of South Australia, B3622 |
Trove Tip
If you can't find the information you are after in the local newspaper to were an event occurred, look in other newspapers from around Australia.A case in example, William Patrick Auld died in Adelaide, South Australia, on 2 September 1912. His death was reported in the Tasmanian newspaper Zeehan and Dundas Herald the following day.
Adelaide, Monday Evening. — William Patrick Auld has died, aged 73. He was a member of J. McDonall Stuart's expedition, which travelled the Continent from south to north. On Friday last the Governor presented Mr Auld with a medal to mark the jubilee of the expedition crossing Australia.
Source: Family Notices. (1912, September 3). Zeehan and Dundas Herald (Tas. : 1890 - 1922), p. 3. Retrieved March 12, 2013, from
A treasure found on trove
It is not until fourteen years after William Patrick Auld's death that a real treasurer on Trove was discovered, just waiting to be found. That treasurer is a published extract of William's diary starting in December 1862 (the year of the successful south/north crossing of Australia) and covers the year 1863. The diary entries give a wonderful insight into the end of Stuart's expedition, but then goes on to detail the day to day operations of the family Auldana Vineyard as well as the social comings and goings of a mid nineteenth century South Australian gentleman. The printed extract is as follows:-STUART'S FINAL EXPEDITION.
And William Patrick Auld.
By A. T. Saunders.
Extracts from His Diary.
Thanks to Dr. Angas Johnson, I have before me the Diary of "Pat" Auld for 1863, which he began on his arrival in Adelaide. 16/2/1862. Stuart and Auld left the party at Mount Deception, or Moolooloo, and came on to Adelaide, and from Adelaide Auld went back to join the party. The first news of Stuart's return is in The Register, 16/12/1862, a message from Capt. R. McKay, of Mount Deception, wired from Clare, that Stuart had reached and was at Glen's Station, 8/12/ 1862. He had crossed the continent to the Indian Ocean, and the party was well, except that Stuart had scurvy, and he and Auld were on their way to Adelaide. The Register 17/12/62, announces that John Chambers had wired to Finke from Kooringa that Stuart and Auld would arrive by train, 16/12/1862. Auld's first diary entry is:— "Started to meet Stuart's party; stayed at Kingford" (Stephen King's place near Gawler. King of the party was a son of King of Kingsford). "All right." The next day's entry states that "Mr King drove me to Rosewater Station: proceeded by train to Kapunda. Was told that the party was at Forrester's. Last night took the 4.30 to Templars, and stayed all night." The next entry says:— "Party arrived at Templars- Mrs. Templar (?) gave good dinner. Arrived at Willaston (Gawler). The Register, 18/12/62, in a leader on the party, says Stuart left with 71 horses and brought back 48, so evidently one-third perished. In The Register, 19/12/62, is a letter from Kekwick from Mount Margaret, dated 30/11/1862, saying that the party reached there, 26/11/62, after an absence of 44 weeks, and that they were 17 weeks coming from the Indian Ocean, and Wire all sorry to hear of Mr. James Chambers's death, 10/8/62. The Register, December 26 and 27, 1862, has leaders on Stuart's diary and chart, which show that the party started from Adelaide 26/10/1861,: and from Mount Margaret 21/1/1862. They reached the Indian Ocean on Friday, 25/7/1863, and returned to Mount Margaret Station, 26/11/1882.
Mount Margaret was owned by Philip Levi & Co., the manager being Stephen Jarvis, whom I knew well some years afterwards. It was a horse and cattle station, and was then the station farthest north. Christie Bagot and his brother afterwards owned it.
The party were at Auburn, 15/1/63, having left Moolooloo, 30/12/1862, for Mount Remarkable, where they arrived, 7/1/63, via Aroona, Wilpena, Akkaba, Warrika, Kanyka, and Raglass. They were at Charleton, 10/1/63, and Auld met them at Templars. They arrived at Willaston at 6.p.m. on Saturday, 17/1/63, and were in Gawler on Sunday, and left Willaston at 11 a.m. and Monday, 19/1/63, and passed through Gawler, Smithfield and Salisbury, and reached Mr. Chambers's farm below Prospect village at 6 p.m., and were met by Stuart, John Chambers, and Finke (who died 17/1/64).
Formal Entry Into Adelaide.
As Auld, King, and Billiatt had seen their friends, they took charge of the horses, and the others went to Adelaide, to return next day, 20/1/63, for the formal entry into Adelaide, 21/1/63, which duly occurred, and is described in The Register of 22/1/1863 and the day before. The Register, 23/1/63, announces the sale of the horses and equipment by auction that day, and mentions that the horses were selected by James Chambers and Inspector Hamilton, and were mostly half-circle over C. (Chambers) horses.
The Register, 24/1/63, refers to the sale, and says the horses averaged £9 4/ each. Auld's diary says that the party after leaving Willaston passed through Gawler and camped at Williams's "Old Spot." Next day camped at Chambers's farm, and 21/1/63, the demonstration in Adelaide and the formal entry took place. Aud continues, 22/1/63:— "Young King, the colt, reared and fell on the top of me at the Globe stables. Took Georgiana to the concert given in honour of Stuart and party.
Sale of Horses.
23/1/63.— "Exploring horses sold; bought Wilberforce, £10, and Teaser, £7 5/. A wet evening." He gives a list of 40 of the horses which were sold and the prices: — Creamy went to Finke for £10 10/; Frew bought Roachback for £1 10/; Thring bought Cloag for £12 10/; Crane bought Blowhard for £11 15/; Kekwick bought O'Halloran for £12 10/ and Bagot for £10; Salway bought Prizefighter for £6 10/ and Sweep for £15; Scott bought Ranger of £8 15/; Hughes bought Patrick, but Auld does not give the price. The prices of the other 28 horses and their names are recorded, but not the names, of the buyers. Auld's next entry is 11/3/63: — Parliament voted Stuart £2,000, Kekwick £500, Thring £200. Auld £200. and the others £100 each. Waterhouse got his £10O and £400 per annum, the other £100 men got only £1 per week.
14/3/63.— The next entry says:— Very windy day. Rode Young King into town; got thrown near Ballantyne's. Rifle match, Sydney and Adelaide— Sydney, 1,842; Adelaide, 1,735. Went to the Bay with Frank Rymill and H. Ayers; returned at sundown.
20/3/63... Mr. Auld says:— "Received bonus £200, and next day shod the colt King and went to Morphett Vale." 24/3/63.— He "drove Georgiana to a tea meeting" at Mr. Haining's Scots' Kirk. Next day rode Teazer to Mr. Drapers.
Fred took him to the Globe; Charlie and I went to Kapunda, dined at Mr. Pollard's, met G. McLachlan at Moyle's; returned to town by last train, went to the Theatre, cost 6/, and expenses to Kapunda and back, 21/. 26/3/83— At Mr. Draper's in the evening, called on C. Penny and Mr. Irving, of the College. 27/3/63 —Went to town. Teazer died at the Globe stables; charge for him, 16/. . 28/3/63 — Bought a chestnut mare for £12 10/-, dined at Mr. A. J. Baker's. Frank Rymill, Charlie Fenn, and I went to the Bay, had tea at Mr. J. B. Neales's, had supper at Mr. Fenn's, and returned home. 30/3/03 — Drove into town, went to the Theatre with C. and J. Fenn and Stephenson, and saw Wren boys and the "Jacobite." 3/4/63 — Good Friday, drove down tandem to the Bay, C. and J. Fenn and Frank Rymill; went to dinner at Mr. Young's, re- turned with Bicklord. 4/4/63 — Strawbridge and I went and got Mr. Morris's filly and mouthed him (sic). 6/4/63 — Easter Monday. Went to picnic given by Mr. and Mrs. Fenn at the weir, stayed all night at Mr. Fenn's. 7/4/63 — Drove into town, drove Miss Haining to Mr. Milne's, and went to the Philharmonic (?) Society. Georgiana went to the new church soiree. 9/4/63— Took in Mr. Morris's wine press. 10/4/63— Rode Theresa into town; went to A. J. Baker's. Mr. and Mrs. Baker, Miss and C. Fenn, Misses Sanders, Frank Rymill, and I went to the Theatre, "Socrisse the Juggler" and "Nan the Good for Nothing." 11/4/63 — Went for a picnic with the Bakers and Ayers to Brownhill Creek. 14/4/63— Rode Wilberforce into town, took him to Sharp's, he being very lame in the off foreleg. Stopped all night with Mr. Bickford. 15/4/63 — Stephen King came out by 5 bus; blistered Wilberforce. 16/4/63 — Stephen King went back to town by the 9 bus. I rode Theresa into town, called on Mr. Goyder, arranged to go down to the Bay with him tomorrow; had a long talk with Mr. King. 17/4/63 — Went to Brighton with Mr. Goyder; agreed with him to go on a trignometrical survey. 18/4/63 — Returned from Brighton. G. McLachlan, came out with me. Mr. Green and Mr. Cullen called; Geogre and I went for a ride, Colenzo's Algebra, 2/6. 19/4/63 — Went to Clayton Chapel, and in the evening to Wesleyan Chapel, Magill. 20/4/63— Rode Theresa to town, stayed all night at Mr. Fenn's. 21/4/63— Brought Roany out with me; left Theresa at Deacon's on trial. 22/4/63— Went to the races and to Theatre, "Rake's Progress,' and stage struck; at Mr. Ayers all night.
Hurdle Races.
23/4/63 — To races, met King and Billiatt there, to Theatre in evening, "Honeymoon" and "Middy Ashore." King and I stayed at the Blenheim. Hurdle race between Marchant's North-West and Brinkley's South-East for £50. The latter won. The most interesting event of the day. 24/4/63 — To the races, and Theatre in evening, "Husband for an Hour" and "Betsy Baker." 25/4/63 — To races. G Morley's Charlie and H. Roe's Fidget race over four hurdles for £10. Charlie won. King and I returned home. Billiatt came at 10 p.m. Got my "care de visite, £1." 27/4/63 — Went to town, got a little dog for Mr. Pollard, saw the fireworks, a dead sell. King and Billiatt started on a tour to the south. 28/4/63— Rode to town, bought Simms's trea- tise on mathematical instruments, 8/ ; piece of music, 2 /6. Finished reading Kenilworth; went to Mr. Young's 7 p.m. to take lessons in trigonometry. 2/5/63— Went to the butts (south part lands) to class fire; passed into the second class; applied to be a subscriber to the ball to the officers of the Djambi, Dutch warship, £1 5/. 5/5/63 — Went to town 5 p.m. bus, received the medal for wine given by the Great Exhibition (Lon- don, 1862?) Went to A. J. Baker's; at 9 p.m. Frank Rymill and I went to the Djambi ball. 8/5/63 — Bought a kangaroo bitch from E. T. Smith. 9/5/63 — Class fired with the Free Rifles, only made 4 hits in the second class; cartridges 6/, caps 2/6. 13/5/63 — Went to the Theatre, "Belphegor," the mounte- bank and soldier, sailor, tinker, tailor. At Mr. Bickford's all night. 14/5/63 — Went to Hindmarsh and bought from Magarey the Moolooloo cob for £25. Rode down to Morphett Vale to Miss Anderson's wedding; got there just as the ceremony was over, but in good time for for the breakfast, had rare fun in the evening; went to bed 6 a.m.
15/5/63.— Felt rather tired. After dinner Mrs. Anderson, Rudall, Alexander Anderson, and I went to the beach, jumped the cob over a three-rail fence, which he did well. 16/5/63. — Rudall and I started for town about 9. Called at .Mr. Cumming's; left Rudall in town; got home 1 p.m. 19/5/63.— Commemoration of Prince ot Wales's marriage.
Queen's Birthday.
25/5/63 (Queen's Birthday)— Went into town; wet day; came out with Stephen King; called at Mr. Wilson's and Mr. Fenn's; drove roany home: lost my Albert chain. 27/5/63 — S. King, Charley Fenn, and I rode to the review and to Government ball. 29/S/63 — S. King and I went to town. Frew started for Mount Deception; he gave me his carte-de-visite. 10/6/63 — Rode Podgie and led Theresa into town; lent Therese to Mr. Waterhouse. 13/6/63 — Rode to the Bay with C. Fenn and F. Ste- venson; was at Mr. Neale's till Monday. 18/6/63 — E. Strawbridgs and I went to Home Park and got some slips of rare plants; clipped the quince trees and took a lesson in pruning from Beasley; made 318 Shiraz cuttings for the six acres. 19/6/63 — Varnished the spring cart. John and Alfred cut 1,700 Shiraz, which were planted in the new vineyard (E. W. W.. E. W. Wright?). 20/6/63 — Drove father and Georgiana to town to go by the train for Kapunda; left vines for P. G. Harris; ordered some cyprus trees from J. Partridge; called at Mr. Strawbridge's, and brought Mrs. S. out with me. .22/6/63 — Public holiday for Queen's accession. 26/6/63 — Rode into town. Gerner stuffed one of my teeth. 29/6/63— Prun- ing in the morning; after dinner took 6,000 cuttings to Mr. Morris for Dr. Kelly and 3,000 to Mr Noltenius for Capt. Trimmer (or Fin- nis). 1/7/1863 — The Ministry resigned. Dut- ton sent for. Met King, Billiatt, and three of their friends in town. Afterwards called on E. H. S. (Mrs. Strawbridge, whom he married) in the evening. 2/7/63 — Gave Frank Ayers a lily seed and some beans and Mr. Cannon three lily seeds and a few beans. Called a+ Crown Lands office and Stilling's. Sold Theresa to Mr. Waterhouse for £11. 3/7/63— Rode to town on Podgie; sale of horses. Hughes's trot- ting pony sold to Elliot for £35; sold Podgie to Mr. Shelley for £25. Mr. Longbottom drove me home; had tea with him, and a few games of chess, the most of which he won. 4/7/63 — Drove into town; got some flax plants; had tea at Mr. Fenn's; went to the theatre to see "Kenilworth." Charley and Frank Reynell came out with me. 5/7/63— Went to Mr. Baker's (Morialta) in the afternoon and to church. 6/7/63— Paid Gurner 5/ drawing a tooth.
Original Planting at Auldana.
7/7/63— Pruning Verdilho in South Auldana vineyard. Received from A. Stow 6,000 Shiraz, 8,000 Virdilho. 2,500 Reisling, and 5,000 Mataro from Mr. Grant. 8/7/63— Drove to town; took 1,000 cuttings for Trimmer. The Dutton Ministry resigned. Brought out 2,800 Palo Mino Bianco cuttings from Dr. Kelly. The Coorong, steamer, arrived (a seven days' passage from Melbourne). Planting cuttings in the new vineyard. 9/7/63 - Drove to town; took 10,000 cuttings for G. P. Knight, Victoria. 10/7/63 - Bess shod all round at Magill; 6/ sent per bullock dray; 12,000 cuttings to Stiling & Co. John drove over to Mr. Hardy's for a load of cuttings. 11/4/63 - English mail arrived. Gen. Stonewall Jackson killed; went to market; no good horses for sale. 13/7/63 - Went into town; brought out Georgiana and Mr. Pollard. Orient arrived. Bickford passenger; Young husband dead at Rome (5/5/1863). 14/7/63 - Mr. Pollard and I surveyed the vineyard. 15/7/63 - Rode to town; called on Mr. Ayers regarding house, late residence of Mr. Noltenius (on the hill opposite Aildana); he agreed to let it for £30 per year; came out again, and immediately after dinner went in with James; called again on Mr. Ayers, agreeing to take the house. Went to Mr. Fenn's, and drove with him to hear the candidates for the Upper House. Baker, Elder, Green, Hallett, and McEllister. 17/7/63 - Rode to Paradise to see Beasley; very ill, but better than he had been. 18/7/63 - Drove to town; went to market; very dull. H. Bickford and Eliza Hill came with me; registered Dandy, my kangaroo bitch, 5/. 24/7/63 - Went to theatre; Jefferson in "The Octoroom." 25/7/63 - Drove to town; called on E.H.S. Mrs. Bickford gave me a canary. H. Bickford came out with me; cage 6/. 26/7/63 - Went to Magill church. 30/7/63 - Racking Auldana vineyard wines. 1/8/63 - Rode to town; called on E.H.S.; slept at Mr. Fenn's; swapped a nugget pin with Davis for a vine leaf pin; gave 6/ to boot. 3/8/63 - Drove into town; called at railway station for Mrs. Pollard and family. 10/8/63 - Mr. Auld and Mr. and Mrs. Pollard drove to town. I rode Maggie. Mr. Auld transferred five Auldana shares to me and I applied for five more, paying £2 10/. 12/8/63 - Angas Evans married to Miss Price. 13/8/63 - Mr. Auld and myself drove to town. I rode to Prospect Hall to see Mr. Evans; he was not in. Mr. Auld and I drove to the Port, where we met Mr. and Mrs. Evans, and sampled his wines at Newman's.
Old Identities.
Ploughing match holiay. 15/8/63 - Rode filly to town; rode back with R.D. Ross, Messrs. Gwynne, Wearing, Fenn, Andrews, Castles, Green, Tod, Wright, Knox, and Young. Gwynne came out to lunch and to adjudicate on our wines. 19/8/63 - Pruning. 20/8/63 - Phillips, of Kanyaka, married to Miss Milne. I went to the party with Mrs. and Charley Fenn. Jessie slipped her foal. 21/8/63 - Pruning. 22/8/63— Went to town and got some bitter almonds; put some into 7 300-gallon casks. Rode over to Modbury to a football match, Adelaide and Modbury clubs; neither gained a goal. Drove afterwards with J. Paltridge to Highercombe. 24/8/63 - Returned from Highercombe. John Haining came; went to Magill to see Pepper re paddock (Pepper & Pellew owned, and drove the Magill buses. 26/8/63 - Weeding; went to Kensington in the evening. 28/8/68- Put milk finings into a 300-gallon cask of white; went to town in the bus; took train to Gawler; walked to Kingsford. 29/8/63.— Billiatt and I went down tp the river to shoot; no sport. After dinner went to Mr. Holland's, who has a very nice house; returned to Kingsford, 11.30 p.m. 31/8/63— Started 9 a.m. on Wilberforce for Evandale, dined at Fischer's, Tanunda, sampled Mr. Sobel's wines, which were good: arrived at Evandale 6 p.m. 1/9/63— Mrs. Annie (Hannay) and Mrs. Johnson called, and Mr. and Mrs. Salter, and Mr. J. Blood came in the evening. I went to tea with Angas-Evans. 2/9/63 - Sampled all Mr. Evans's wines, started for Kings- ford, dined at Tanunda, and arrived at Kingsford at 4 p.m. 3/9/63 — Started for town, met R. Haining on the road, called at Kensington arrived home 8 p.m., and found Mr. Barton, of the Roderick Dhu (then in port) there.
Early Colonial Wine.
4/9/63— Racking of wine. Mr. Lamb called and bought about 300 gallons of wine at 5/3 per gallon . (This was Mr. Corbin Lamb, of Port Adelaide, who then had the shop in Port Ade- laide, now "Johnny Allsorts," corner North parade and Mildred streets). Mr. Lamb was one of the first to try and popularise the consumption of colonial wine. This 4/9/63, was my ninth birthday, and I can remember Mr. Lamb and his shop at this time clearly. Mr. Lamb bought a lot of wine and ale bottles from my grandfather, in whose house, at Queens- town, I lived. My grandfather had been given some hundreds of bottles, and he had used them to make borders of paths in his garden, the soil of which was sandy, and the inverted bottles had been pushed neck down and bottom up into the sand. These bottles were pulled up and sold to Mr. Lamb.
7/9/63 - Racking off wine. 8/9/63 - Wilberforce to town; called at Faulding's for Spanish clay (for wine finings), saw some new casks at Giles & Smith's; too slight. Rode home, tried my hand at ploughing; bought some isinglass (wine fining).
Steeplechase at Thebarton.
10/9/63 — Went to Steeplechase; three races, at Thebarton. Formby's Gay Lad won; Cadger (A. L. Gordon up), second; Jewell's Westbury, third; G. Morley's Charlie, fourth. Others— P. Levis's Cassy, R. Low's Leunara. L. Barnard's Black Boy, late Rambler. Third Race.— Blackler's Buck. Jumped Roany and Wilber- force over the fences. 11/9/63— Pruning fig trees in South Auldana Vineyard; sulphered and put away all the empty hogsheads, and ploughed for an hour in Home Park Vineyard. 12/9/63 —Pollard and I pruning fig trees; Mr. Lamb called and got a bottle of each wine he bought, filled up wines in the cellar. Georgiana and E. H. S. came by 4 p.m. bus; put Spanish clay into some casks of wine. . 14/9/63 — Found the wine I put finings in on Saturday very clear. Washed Young Enfield with tobacco, he being lousy. G. H. S. went 1 p.m. 19/9/63 Rode to town on Wilberforce, led Enfield, and left him at Crane's for Giles. 22/9/63 — Racking off wine. 23/9/63 — Sent to Melbourne one cask of red and one of white wine. 24/9/63 —Pruned vines on top of the hill, cleared away cuttings for the plough, prepared finings. 25/9/63 — In the evening went to inaugural dinner, Young's Old Scholars' Association (Register, 26/9/63). It passed off very pleasantly. 26/9/63 — Ploughing. C. and J. Fenn and Rudall called; went over to Mr. Pollard's in the evening; met Miss E. H. S. 28/9/63 — Mrs. Goyder, McLachlan, and Miss Smith called, also Mr. Green, and Mr. Main; went to the in- stitute with E. H. S. 29/9/63 — Preparing wine for Lamb, and put finings in other wine. 30/9/63 — Took Mrs. Goyder home, and Georgiana and E. H. S., to Dillon's, White's rooms; readings of Dickens and Shakespeare (Register, 1/10/63. Song, "Juanita" sung). 1/10/63 — Maggie shod all round and slippers on Wilberforce. 2/10/63 — Called at P. G. Harris (Peg Leg Harris) and Belt's. 3/10/63 — Stephen King and I went to football. (Register, 5/10/63), Adelaide and Modbury; each team contained two aboriginals; had tea at Mr. J. L. Young's. 5/10/63 — Rifle matches commenced. 6/10/63 — Went to rifle match. 8/10/63 — Sold Wilberforce at horse sale for £12. 9/10/63 — Rode Jessie to town, offered her at auction, got no bid; she fell in King William street, and a railway van nearly ran over me. 10/10/63 — Filled up the red wines.
Petition For Grant to Stuart's Party.
12/10/63 — Got petition from Deacon (Register, 15/10/63) for grants of W.T. land of Stuart's party; went to Hamilton; the phrenologist. 13/10/63— Went to town, met King and Frew, engaged all morning with petition; it was presented too late for the House to be read to-day; got written character from Hamil- ton, the phrenologist. 15/10/63 — John and I drove into town, took 5 gallon keg and some finings for some of his wine, went to cattle show. 16/10/63 — Went for a ride this after- noon; rode Mr. Monroe's filly; when cantering up Baker's carriage way she broke her leg. Came home, had tea, then rode up to Sutton's, got the filly on dungheap, and killed her.
17/10/63— King and Shelly went to town by the 9 a.m. bus, rode Bess to town, called on Mr. Monroe, and told him of the accident. Mr. Lamb sent 14 casks for his wine. 22/10/63 — Sent off Lamb's wine per own dray. 24/10/63 - John Partridge and I went to J. L. Young's. Went to theatre ("Susan Hopley.") 26/10/63 - Went to town, tried to sell Jessie to Inspec- tor Hamilton (police) for the gold expedition, but failed. Went to the New Church service. 27/10/63 — Went to town, ordered new suit of clothes at Ballantyne's. 31/10/63 — Went to the Port with Billiatt to see him off. The weather being so rough the steamer (Ant) did not start; drove Stephen (King) to Kensington and Mr. Longbottom to Magill (this was a son of the Rev. Mr. Longbottom, see Register, 5/10/63. Old Mrs. Longbottom was thrown out of an overturned buggy, at Magill, and broke both her arms just above the wrists). 2/11/63 - Went to town. A meeting of the winegrowers at the Globe Inn (Register, 3/11/63. Auld's two exhibits not sound). 3/11/63 - Harrowing in the new vineyard. John and I went to the Clayton Young Men's Society. Mr. Thomas Elder lectured on Travels in America (Register, 4/11/63).
4/11/63— Mr. Young and son came. Went to the theatre ("Aurora Floyd.") I recall that old play and the thrill it gave me. It was by Miss Braddon, I think. Aurora was a banker's daughter, who had married a jockey secretly; was blackmailed, and shot Conyers with a button used as a pistol bullet.) 5/11/63 —Mrs. Anderson, Mr. Young, and Mr. Hamilton called. Filled up the wines in the cellar. 6/11/63 — Got circulars printed for Winegrowers' Association. Got my new suit from Ballantyne. 7/11/63 — Went to town; paid Platts 8/4 for stamps for Winegrowers' Association; had game of cricket on north park lands; went home with Charles Fenn; tried A. Hallett's horse over fence; knocked down three posts in one jump; stayed all night at Mr. Fenn's. 9/11/63 — Fired off a salute at noon. W. Strawbridge and I went to see drapers' picnic;. had very good fun; went to Mr. Pollard's in evening. 10/9/63 — Topping the vines. E. H. S. came in the evening. 12/11/63 — Topping vines; put finings in old wine. Went to town by 2.30 bus. Parliament prorogued. Went to Mr. Goyder's in the evening; danced till 2 a.m.; stopped all night at Mr. McLachlan's. English mail arrived. 13/11/63 — Meeting of Winegrowers' Association. Trial of Auld v. Murray (re Real Property Act; Register 14/11/63). Judgment deferred ; went to Kensington in the evening; sold Jessie to Pellew (of Magill buses) for £15, Received an invitation to Mrs. A. J. Baker's party on 18/11/63.
Theatres and Lecture.
14/11/63 — Went to town; played cricket with S.A. Club; went to theatre with J. Part- ridge; saw "Rory O'Moore" and "Aladdin or the Wonderful Scamp." 16/11/63 — Drove into town to the winegrowers' meeting. J. Partridge came out to tea. Began haymaking.
17/11/63 — Weeding cuttings in Auldana vineyard. Charley Fenn called. John and I went to hear Rev. E. W. Cox lecture on the wonders of the microscope and a concert. (Register 19/11/63, Rev. Mr. Neville, of the Anglican (Magill) Church, present and spoke). 18/11/63 — Went to Mrs. A. J. Baker's party; stayed all night. 23/11/63— Shipped a hogs- head of wine to De Pass, Melbourne; rode in to the theatre to the amateur performance in aid of relief fund for families of soldiers sent from Adelaide to the New Zealand war — "She Stoors to Conquer" (Register 24/11/63); very good. 27/11/63 — Large picnic at Morialta; racked off three hogsheads of wine to check fer- mentation. 28/11/63 — Mr. Wright, Mr. Pellock, and Mr. E. M. Young (of the National Bank), Mrs. Wright, and Miss May, and Mr. Woods came out. 30/11/63 — Haymaking; went to the amateur performance in aid of the Shakespeare fund (Register 1/12/63).
An Accident.
1/12/63 — Start to town; meeting of winegrowers at the Globe. Went to Dr. L. L. Smith (Kreitmayer's anatomical exhibition). Bess fell near the Maid and Magpie; rolled over me, and hurt my leg. H. Bickford came out with me. 2/12/63 — Leg bad; not able to do any- thing. E. H. S. came. 4/12/63 — Filling up wines. E. H. S. went at noon. John, Mr. Pol- lard, and I went to hear Dr L. L. Smith lecture.' 5/12/ 63 — Went to town. Called on Dr. Wheeler to show him my leg. 7/12/63 — Leg still bad; wrote Mr. King that I could not at- tend wedding to-morrow (Register 11/12/63; E. R. Hallett to Victora King at Gawler). Dr. L. L. Smith called in the afternoon. 14/12/63 -Went to town; brought out Bloor, the cooper (of Bloor & Gerner). 16/12/63 — Went to town it the evening; brought out gauging sticks, went to breaking-up party at Miss Strawbridge's school. 18/12/63 - Drove Bloor to town; went to Mr. Young's exhibition. 19/12/63 — Went to Mr. A. J. Baker's. F. Reynell, C. Fenn, F. H. and F Ayers, and I went to hear the minstrels at the theatre. Had a warm bath. 22/12/63 — Took 459 gallons of wine to Mr. A. Scott's cellar, Blyth street. 24/12/63— Rack- ng off wine. 25/12/63 — Began to paper my room. Drove Georgiana, Mr. and Mrs. Pollard, and John down to Mr. Strawbridge's; returned 12 pm. 26/12/63 — Sent off by the drays 839 gallons of wine. Went to the Bay; had tea at Mr. Noale's. 28/12/63— Racking off. 29/12/63 — Sent away four pipes of wine. 30/12/63 - Went to the cellar in town and arranged the casks. Went to the races. Quick silver won the Maiden Plate; also the Shorts (Register 31/12/63). 31/12/63— Racking off and sending wine away.
Spanish Clay for Fining. — Leave the substance in water all night.; draw off the water in the morning. Then pound it fine. Mix about 1½ lb. in two gallons of wine; stir well up in the hogshead, and let it settle for 30 hours. The above is enough for a hogshead (Mr H. Evans). To counteract the woody flavour (also Mr. Evans's recipe) one gallon of milk, handful of salt, and one of rice.
More than 40 years ago when I was in the trade, Capt. Le Page, who had been a shipmaster, and after that, cellarnran for Bell & Cross (who bought the business of the original Mr. Tolley), and who was employed by the same firm as I used Spanish clay to clear Port wine, and white of eggs in sherry. The captain knew a great deal of how to handle wines and spirits. At the end of the diary is a plan showing Home Park House (Mr. Wright's) and Home Park vineyard and Bushy Park road, and Mr. Auld's vine- yard, with the plots in which the vari- ous vines (Shiraz, &c.) are planted, and the number of vines - 2,600 Verdilho, 4,941 Shiraz, and 4,993 others, 12,000 in all.
Source: STUART'S FINAL EXPEDITION. (1926, April 24). The Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929), p. 17. Retrieved March 12, 2013, from
Detailed research.